Monday, October 24, 2011

Hunting For Health #4: Drew Manning (Fit2Fat2Fit)

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Hunting For Health #3: Chef Todd Mohr (Web Cooking Classes)

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hunting For Health #2: Lierre Keith (The Vegetarian Myth)

Today we will be talking with Lierre Keith. She was a vegan for 20 years and now endorses a diet that includes animal products. Her book “The Vegetarian Myth” challenges the ideas that a vegetarian diet is a morally-superior diet that is more sustainable and more earth-friendly.

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hunting For Health #1: Tom Naughton (Fat Head)

Hunting For Health is here to provide you with cutting edge health information that you won't get from you typical media sources. Today we interviewed Tom Naughton, the creator of the successful documentary "Fathead." We discuss with Tom the roles of saturated fat in the diet and how false science has turned us in to a fat-phobic nation.

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Hunting For Health

This is the podcast feed for a new show of the DWPN, called, Hunting for Health.  Where Hunter Copeland, Registered Dietitian searches for what will make us all a healther society without putting too much burden on us.